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Covid-19: monitoring the spread of new virus variants

In the context of the emergence of new variants of SARS-CoV-2: British (VOC 202012/01), South African (501Y.V2) and Brazilian (B.1.1.28) variants, the HCSP specifies its recommendations concerning measures to prevent and control the spread of these new variants.

The HCSP has taken into account

  • the rapid progression of SARS-CoV-2 infection ;
  • the rapid evolution of the spread of the new variants in the countries where they have emerged
  • the increased transmissibility of these new variants;
  • the lack of data on the duration of shedding of these new viruses;
  • the diagnostic methods for identifying these variants;
  • the difficulty of establishing a list of countries at risk of spreading the new variants.

The HCSP recommends:

  • strengthening and strict compliance with barrier measures;
  • monitoring the spread of these variants on national territory
  • limiting travel to and from areas currently considered at risk;
  • the requirement of a negative RT-PCR test (carried out within 72 hours) prior to any entry into the country, a 7-day isolation on arrival and a lifting of this isolation if the RT-PCR carried out at the end of this isolation is negative;
  • the maintenance of the isolation periods for SARS-CoV-2 infection set out in previous notices.

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