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Evaluation of the future 2022-2025 infection and antibiotic resistance prevention strategy

The High Council for Public Health (HCSP) analyses the evaluability of the future "Infection and antimicrobial resistance prevention strategy 2022-2025" based on a working document sent at the end of July 2021.

According to this working document, the national strategy consists of six axes, 11 objectives and 37 actions, most of which have monitoring indicators.

After examining the document and evaluating the theory, coordination and management of the program and the choice of indicators, the HCSP makes 32 recommendations to ensure the evaluability of the proposed strategy.

In particular, the HCSP makes the following recommendations:

  • update the epidemiology of community and nosocomial infections, levels of antibiotic consumption and the prevalence of antibiotic resistance in human medicine in France;
  • analyze the territorial and social disparities in terms of infectious risk, antibiotic consumption and antibiotic resistance;
  • better document the links between the human, animal and ecological components of antimicrobial resistance , in order to integrate the strategy into the One Health dynamic;
  • consider the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and of social and territorial health inequalities on the prevention of infection and resistance to antibiotics.

A comparison of infection control and antibiotic use strategies implemented in different EU countries and around the world is presented in the annex.

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