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Establishment of compulsory declaration of MERS-CoV infections

Date du document : 18/05/2018

Date de mise en ligne : 23/09/2018

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Maladies transmissibles Coronavirus Déclaration obligatoire Maladie à déclaration obligatoire MERS-CoV

In April 2015, the French High Council for Public Health (HCSP) defined possible and confirmed cases of MERS-CoV infection and proposed algorithms for assisting with diagnosis. In light of the epidemiological, clinical and virological data available, the definition of cases has been revised in this new statement. The HCSP particularly specifies the situations in which physical signs of lung parenchyma infection must be confirmed by chest X-ray abnormalities.

Since September 2016, organisation of the surveillance and monitoring of these infections has been simplified, and is overseen by the Regional Health Agencies (ARSs) within each region. The emergence of possible cases of infection is notified at national level by the ARSs.

In the current context the HCSP does not recommend establishing compulsory declaration of possible cases of MERS-CoV infection.

Since confirmed cases arise on an exceptional basis, and would immediately be reported to the health authorities, the HCSP does not consider it relevant for their declaration to become compulsory.

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