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Haut Conseil de la santé publique
Le Haut Conseil de la santé publique vous souhaite une excellente année 2025

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Occupational activity of persons at risk of severe Covid-19 who have received a full vaccination schedule

In a context of increasing vaccination coverage against Covid-19 among people in employment, and taking into account epidemiological data, the effectiveness of vaccines and the lower immune response in immunocompromised people, the HCSP recommends concerning the return to work of people with risk factors for severe Covid-19:

  • a reinforcement of the promotion of the vaccination of persons with risk factors for severe Covid-19 who have not been vaccinated yet, as well as for the entourage of immunocompromised persons;
  • an evaluation of the risk of contamination based on multifactorial parameters taking into account age, comorbidities, and the ability to implement protective measures;
  • a decision to return to work in person, in partial activity or to continue working remotely, taken by the occupational physician or the attending physician and taking into account the epidemiological data on viral circulation and the person’s state of health;
  • a monitoring of the adaptation of the workstation and the maintenance of collective and individual protective measures;
  • the proposal of a psychological support to people after several months of teleworking or prolonged absence from work;
  • the compliance with measures relative to the management of infected persons, even if asymptomatic, and case-contacts, including persons who have received a full vaccination schedule.

For persons at risk of severe disease, but not highly immunocompromised, who have received a full vaccination schedule:

  • the proposal of a return to work in the workplace subject to a risk assessment by the occupational physician, or in his absence by the attending physician, or by the practitioner monitoring the pregnancy for pregnant women;
  • the assignment of these professionals to a position that is not likely to expose them to high viral load;
  • the strict application of protective measures by these people, whatever the professional environment is, by limiting close contact as much as possible, particularly during breaks and meals without masks.

For people at risk of severe disease and highly immunocompromised, who have received a full vaccination schedule:

  • the continuation of the measures already implemented prior to vaccination, in partnership with the occupational physician (teleworking, adaptation of the workstation) which enabled them to remain at work;

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