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Haut Conseil de la santé publique

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Sports and cultural events: wearing masks to prevent Covid-19

With the resumption of school, university, socio-cultural, sports and professional activities in September 2020 that necessary leads to population gatherings, and a risk of accelerated circulation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the general population, the High Council of Public Health (HCSP) recalls and adapts its doctrine and recommendations.

For public reception in the context of sports events, the HCSP recommends to identify a Covid-19 referring person in charge of implementing and maintaining a prevention plan based on the HCSP’s recommendations of 31 May 2020. It recommends prevention measures to be applied before and after sports events, inside and around the sites.

For cultural and sportive settings, physical distancing can be adjusted according to the epidemiological and territorial situation. At the moment, the HCSP its recommendations of separating each individual or groups of peoples by one seat.

These events are an opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of protective masks: the HCSP recommends to diffuse specific communication when activities will resume in September.

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