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Haut Conseil de la santé publique
Le Haut Conseil de la santé publique vous souhaite une excellente année 2025

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Indicators of "premature" and "avoidable" mortality

This report aims to contribute to the definition of "premature" and "avoidable" mortality indicators .
These indicators were used in the 90’s , in successive HCSP reports "Health in France". Premature mortality was defined in the 90’s as all deaths occured before age 65. Avoidable mortality was defined from a division into three components: causes of death related to risk behaviors , causes of death related to the health care system and other causes of death. France is characterized by very high rates of premature mortality while levels of global mortality are very favorable after 65. As avoidable mortality indicators related to risk behaviors are unfavorable in France, the indicators related to the health system seem very favorable.

Reviewing the methodologies and results of international work, particularly in Europe, carried out since the early 2000’s, this report provides recommendations on the definition, the use and interpretation of the indicators of premature and preventable mortality . These indicators are intended to be used in a global context of management and monitoring of public health policies and actions. They must be able to contribute to different types of analyzes (sociodemographic disparities, spatial disparities...) at different levels (sectoral, regional , national, international ... ) but they do not have the primary aim of providing operational and practical indicators for operational actors.

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