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Health recommendations 2021 for travellers (for the attention of health professionals)

In order to prevent travel-related health risks, the HCSP updates its recommendations every year, taking into account the Vaccination and Immunization Schedule, data from the WHO, the National Reference Centres (arboviroses, malaria, rabies), Santé publique France, the French National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products and the French National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety.

These recommendations are aimed at all travellers, taking into account their age, state of health, destination and travel conditions. They describe the measures to be taken before departure (updating of vaccinations, prescription of chemoprophylaxis against malaria, composition of the first-aid kit, etc.) and the precautions to be taken during the trip (protection against mosquitoes, food hygiene, vigilance with regard to environmental conditions, etc.).

The Covid-19 epidemic has changed the perspective of international travel. Different types of vaccines have been approved for marketing in Europe since December 2020. If the travel environment becomes favourable again, some countries may require vaccination against Covid-19.

The recommendations are published in the Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin (BEH) of June 1, 2021, which can be downloaded here or on the Santé publique France website.

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