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Haut Conseil de la santé publique
Le Haut Conseil de la santé publique vous souhaite une excellente année 2025

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High Council for Public Health opinion concerning the security of products derived from the human body regarding the risk of transmission of the Usutu virus

The 2023 arbovirus season was marked by an unprecedented autochthonous circulation of the Usutu virus (USUV) in wild avifauna and in humans in mainland France. This situation led the High Council for Public Health (HCSP) to analyse the risks associated with this emerging pathogen with respect to products derived from the human body. The HCSP took into account: (1) the frequency of cross-reactions both by genomic technique and by serological approach between USUV and West Nile virus (WNV), another member of the Japanese encephalitis virus serological complex, (2) the recent progress in the detection of USUV in Europe and France in birds, mosquitoes and humans, (3) the low pathogenic power of USUV in the human species, including a neurotropism much lower than that of WNV, (4) the expected progress in genomic diagnosis in transfusion continued to the arrival on the market of new automats, (5) the absence of cases reported in the literature regarding contamination by USUV associated with products of human origin, and finally (6) the absence of specific measures taken in the transfusion field and in that of transplants in other European countries where USUV circulates (Italy, Croatia, Germany in particular). Consequently, the HCSP recommends: (1) for blood donations, not to carry out specific research of the USUV genome but to temporarily discard the donor and to reject his/her donation in the event of a fortuitous discovery of a subject carrier of the USUV genome (in particular in the context of WNV genome screening), without it being necessary to develop other surveillance arrangements, (2) for donations of organs, tissues or cells, to conduct a benefit-risk analysis on a case-by-case basis if a USUV infection is proven in the donor, between the transplant team, experts and Health authorities, and (3) for gamete or milk donations, not to recommend any particular measures. Finally, with the aim of better anticipating the appearance of epidemics and improving knowledge, the HCSP encourages the establishment of a continuous surveillance system coupled to that of WNV, with a “one health” perspective, i.e. targeting mosquitoes, birds, mammals and humans.

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