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Information update on the risk of Borrelia transmission via labile blood products and grafts

Date du document : 27/06/2017

Date de mise en ligne : 19/05/2018

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Maladies transmissibles Borrelia Borréliose de Lyme Greffe Infection associée aux soins Transfusion sanguine Transmission

The HCSP is updating its statement of the 19th of February 2016 concerning the Lyme disease, including the transmission of Borrelia via labile blood products and organ, tissue or cell grafts.

In particular, the HCSP enhances that so far, there have not been any reported cases of Borrelia being transmitted to humans through blood transfusions or grafts. On top of that, there are major reservations about any application of the results of a single study (published in 2016 and carried out by injecting mice with blood products infected with Borrelia miyamotoi) to humans.

Consequently, the HCSP does not change its recommendations of 19 February 2016.

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