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Simplification of the French vaccination schedule

Avis en anglais  (314 ko)

Date du document : 21/12/2012

Date de mise en ligne : 11/04/2014

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The High Council for Public Health proposes a new vaccination schedule which allows to decrease the number of injections to infants and foresees boosters at fixed age for the adults, this modality expected to be easier to remember for the patients and for the healthcare professionals.

In France, the vaccination schedule contains a large number of injections and the recommendations for adult boosters are difficult to in apply. The HCSP proposes a simplified vaccination schedule which aims at the administration of the minimal number of injections consistent with a good level of protection and subsequently to help patients and healthcare professionals follow the vaccination schedule. This should improve the acceptability of vaccinations by the doctors and therefore the vaccine coverage while ensuring adequate protection throughout a patient’s lifetime.

The HCSP notably considered the vaccination schedule of the other European countries, the vaccine coverages of infants, children, teenagers and adults in France and the epidemiological data of the vaccine preventable diseases affected by the modifications of the schedule. The recommendations of the HCSP are also supported by a study on acceptability of this new vaccination schedule which was led among general practitioners and paediatricians.

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