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Haut Conseil de la santé publique

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Provisional statement: Recommendations on prevention and management of Covid-19 in patients at risk of severe forms

The French High Council for Public Health (Haut Conseil de la santé publique, HCSP) is issuing recommendations for prevention and management of Covid-19 in patients at risk of severe forms: 

  • persons aged 70 years and over;
  • patients with a history of cardiovascular problems: complicated hypertension, stroke or coronary heart disease, heart surgery, heart failure: NYHA class III or IV;
  • patients with poorly controlled insulin-dependent diabetes or presenting secondary complications of their disease;
  • patients with a chronic respiratory disorder likely to decompensate if they catch a viral infection;
  • patients with chronic kidney disease on dialysis and cancer patients undergoing treatment.

Protecting these patients is imperative, and will only be possible by following strict prevention measures.

To draft these recommendations, the HCSP consulted with practitioners to take into consideration the reality on the ground.

It also asked a group of cancer specialists to issue recommendations for the treatment of patients. This document can be found in the appendix.

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