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SARS coronavirus-2: clinical criteria for safely ending isolation of infected patients

On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization characterised Covid-19 as a global pandemic. France entered stage 3 of the epidemic on 15 March, with the SARS-CoV-2 virus now circulating actively countrywide.

Most patients with Covid-19 do not require hospitalisation but can benefit from outpatient care by complying with the basic protective measures and staying at home.

The clinical criteria for discharging or releasing patients are that any fever and, where applicable, breathing difficulties have cleared, from the 8th day following onset of symptoms. Wearing a face mask is recommended for seven days after this recovery if coming into contact with someone at-risk.

Health workers who are at-risk may return to work under the same conditions (any fever and, where applicable, difficulties breathing have cleared, from the 8th day following onset of symptoms), by continuing to wear a surgical mask for seven days (14 days for immunocompromised health workers). 

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