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Recommendations for preventing the emergence and spread of ESBL-producing enterobacteriaceae

Rapport en anglais  (1035 ko)

Date du document : 02/02/2010

Date de mise en ligne : 24/02/2012

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Sécurité du patient, sécurité des pratiques BLSE Entérobactérie Infection

The prevention and treatment of multidrug-resistant bacteria (MDRB) had been chosen as one of the key themes of the CTINILS (French Technical Committee for Hospital-Acquired and Healthcare-Associated Infections) 2008-2009 work programme. Among these MDRBs, there is now increasing cause for concern regarding extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing enterobacteriaceae. As a result, the French High Council for Public Health has decided to look into measures preventing the selection and spread of these ESBL-producing enterobacteriaceae, in support of the discussions held by the public authorities with a view to defining a national MDRB prevention programme.

This report focuses on the issue of “the emergence of CTX-M type ESBL-producing E. coli” and tries, in principle, to draw parallels with the other research projects – still ongoing or recently completed – in fields that are similar to or, in part the same as, this referral.

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