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Medical certificate of no contraindication to the practice of sports for children, following Decree no.2016-1157 of 24 August 2016

Date du document : 21/06/2017

Date de mise en ligne : 19/05/2018

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Since the Law of 26 January 2016 relating to modernisation of our healthcare system and its implementation Decree of 24 August 2016, a medical certificate of no contraindication to sports practice is required for first issue of a sports licence and when renewal every three years, except for a number of specified sports. During the three-year period, the sportsperson completes a health self-assessment questionnaire in accordance with the model annexed in the Ordinance of 20 April 2017.

In its statement, the HCSP reiterates the value of practicing physical activity or sports throughout life, stressing that this must take full account of each child’s development and environment and that health monitoring sporting child should be integrated into the more general framework of monitoring children’s health as a whole.

The HCSP recommends that the certificate of no contraindication be established taking advantage of systematic examinations of the child, that all the sport activities practiced be noted in the child’s health booklet, that additional examinations should be requested only in presence of signs of call, and that a health self-assessment questionnaire designed specifically for children be established after evaluation of its feasibility and its relevance.

The HCSP advises that the period of adolescence is subject to special vigilance and that preventive medical examinations should be conducted at least every two years for adolescents.

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