Date du document : 28/03/2023
Date de mise en ligne : 28/04/2023
The year 2022 has been marked by a very intense circulation of the West-Nile virus (WNV) in Southern Europe. That same year, in Metropolitan France, six human cases were confirmed in the South of France, including three neuroinvasive forms. The reporting of human cases has negative consequences for donations issued from products of the human body, and notably blood donations. So, the General Direction of Health (DGS) wanted the High Council for Public Health (HCSP) to study the relevance and feasibility, including from a medico-economic perspective, of the implementation of security measures labile blood products without waiting for a human case to be reported.
The HCSP, after analyzing the impact on the transfusion chain and on tissue, organ and cell transplants, as well as the assessment of WNV transmissions by human body products worldwide, recommends maintaining the measures currently in place. place during the alert period and to also apply them outside this period if a case is reported within the framework of the mandatory declaration.
In order to anticipate the occurrence of human cases of WNV infections and potentially to lighten the precautionary measures currently in force, the HCSP also recommends setting up a multidisciplinary working group involving, in a "one health », all surveillance actors and health economists, who would be responsible in particular for evaluating the interest and the cost-benefit ratios of more intensive surveillance of wildlife, in particular birds. This working group will also have to decide on the interest of reestablishing an interministerial action plan for the prevention and fight against WNV infections (and also the Usutu virus considered as emerging) on the model of that set up in 2004. -2005.
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