Date du document : 28/04/2016
Date de mise en ligne : 05/07/2016
The HCSP makes proposals concerning the health messages to be issued during the pollen season with a view to preventing health risks associated with allergenic pollens. 30% of adults are allergic to pollens in France but many of them ignore that they are.
Information messages are intended for the general public and healthcare professionals to bring the risks of pollen to their attention and encourage visits to the doctor as well as testing and treatment for patients unaware of their pollen allergy.
Recommendation messages are intended for allergy sufferers so that they can adopt behaviours enabling them to reduce their exposure to allergenic pollen and relieve their symptoms.
These health messages also indicate where information can be found about allergenic plants, pollen counts and periods and regions concerned.
Among the recommendations, the HCSP advocates for the development of a general national information campaign for pollen and its effects (involving a range of media such as posters, printed brochures and adverts). It also recalls the need to set to set up an evaluation of the suggested communication measures.
Targeted stakeholders in the field were consulted about the proposals regarding information messages for the general public and healthcare professionals as well as behavioural recommendations for limiting pollen exposure.