Date du document : 18/04/2021
Date de mise en ligne : 10/10/2021
The HCSP proposes a general doctrine and a decision-making matrix to assist the policy of progressive reopening of Public Accesses Buildings (PAB) according to the following principles
The HCSP recommends to identify the levels of epidemic risk on the basis of indicators related to vaccine coverage, incidence and hospital tension to guide the timing of the reopening of PAB. At the same time, it defines a level of criticality of the EPAB as low, medium or high, depending on whether the activities are carried out outdoors or indoors and whether the application of all the barrier measures is possible or not.
The HCSP thus proposes a decision-making matrix crossing the levels of epidemic risk and the levels of criticality of the PAB. The strategy for the gradual opening of PAB is conditioned by these two criteria and is based on three preventive measures: compliance with barrier measures, use of self-tests and gradual management of the density of people (gauge). The HCSP recommends a permanent prospective evaluation of the effectiveness of the measures and their costs/societal impacts.
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