Date du document : 01/12/2016
Date de mise en ligne : 13/04/2017
The 107 actions of the 3rd National Environmental Health Action Plan (PNSE3, 2015-2019) intended to reduce the health risks associated with environmental factors to which the general population, and specifically the most vulnerable or at-risk sections of society, are exposed.
Expressed mainly in terms of mobilized resources and processes implemented, the actions of the PNSE3 can hardly be assessed at the end of the Plan. The HCSP was consulted by the departments of Public Health and Environment to formulate proposals to facilitate this future assessment of the effects of the PNSE3.
In this report, the HCSP formulates proposals for expected target outcomes following practical implementation of the plan for 63 actions and identifies indicators that will allow measurement for assessing progress towards meeting these targets.
These target outcomes reflect the expected changes in the environmental conditions to which populations are exposed by effective and efficient implementation of the plan’s actions.
They cover a wide range of areas: outdoor and indoor air, water quality, polluted sites and soils, emerging and re-emerging risks, physical agents, global change, food quality.
Existing information systems on the quality of the environments or on the health status of the population and capable of producing usable data for assessing the development over time of relevant signals have been identified at the national level (see technical annex). The characteristics of these indicators were analyzed (spatial, temporal and population resolution, ease of access and exploitation). Proposals have been made to improve the accessibility and operationality of these information systems.
This work contributes to the upcoming evaluation of the PNSE3 and can now be used by the various actors in charge of developing the next regional health and environment plans.
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